Tagliatelle van pastinaak met witvis

Parsnip tagliatelle with whitefish

What do you need?

For two persons:
  • 1 winter carrot
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 sweet potato
  • 10 g butter
  • 2 cod fillets
  • salt, pepper and herbs to taste
  • butter/oil, for frying
  • 3 tbsp pesto


  1. Peel the carrots, parsnips and sweet potatoes. Grate thin strings of the vegetables with a peeler, cheese slicer or spiral cutter.
  2. Heat half the butter in a frying pan. Season the fish with salt and pepper and fry the fillets briefly over high heat.
  3. Heat the rest of the butter in another pan and fry the vegetable tagliatelle for a few minutes until al dente. Divide the tagliatelle between two plates and place the fish and pesto on top.

Nutritional values

Calories (kcal) 395.3
Fat 12.9g
Carbohydrates 33.9g
Protein 31g

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