Snelle viscurry

Quick fish curry

This quick curry is ready on the table in no time. Fancy some variation? Then try a different fish, such as sea bass fillet.

What do you need?

For two persons:

  • 200 g coconut milk

  • 30 g red curry paste

  • 200 g cod fillet, cut into 3 cm cubes

  • 100 g sugar snap peas, cleaned

  • 100 g zucchini, halved and sliced ​​diagonally

  • handful of fresh coriander, picked

  • 1 spring onion, finely chopped


  1. Bring the coconut milk and curry paste to the boil in a saucepan.

  2. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a gentle boil. Turn the heat down and stew the fish for about 5 minutes. Serve with rice.

Vegetarian variation: Add cubes of tofu or a mushroom blend instead of fish.

    Nutritional values

    Calories (kcal) 357
    Fat 12.3g
    Carbohydrates 21.9g
    Protein 35.7g

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