Late summer discount promotion
The summer months are coming to an end. We hope that you enjoyed a well-deserved holiday or period of rest, just like us. Are you ready to get back to working on your goals with motivation? 🙌
Yet it can be difficult to pick up your routine after such a holiday period... Is your goal to lose weight? Then we are happy to help you on your way. Try Slimming Powder Cherry now for €14.95 (25% discount).
This discount promotion is a one-off and runs until Saturday, September 30, 2023. So be quick!
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How does Slimming Powder work?
Because you eat in a calorie deficit during a diet where the goal is to lose weight, your body takes in less energy than it uses. This can result in a lethargic and tired feeling. Not really useful when your daily life continues as usual...
Slimming Powder is the answer to this situation. In this extensive blog we explain why.

Always benefit from a discount?
At Killerbody we believe in perseverance. You can achieve anything if you really put your mind to it. And whatever your goal, we will help you on your way.
If you - like us - believe in your own strength and take up the challenge with yourself, we will reward you with a 15% discount per delivery with a subscription to our products. Extra motivation to really persevere.